The film Kambakht Ishq, producer Sajid Nadiadwala’s latest venture, will also have the highest budget in Bollywood history: more than £11mil (RM70.4mil), London’s Sunday Times said in a recent report from India. The lead roles will be played by Bollywood’s Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor. The film, which will be Sabir Khan’s directorial debut, is about an Indian stuntman who takes Hollywood by storm, but has difficulty finding his true love in an alien city.
Nadiadwala said his success in landing Stallone and Schwarzenegger reflected the growing power of the Indian film market and Bollywood’s increasing co-operation with Hollywood studios, which are keen to cut costs. Since the film is based in Hollywood, it made perfect sense to appoint casting agents in Hollywood and cast mainstream Hollywood stars. Stallone, star of the Rocky and Rambo films, is believed to be playing himself in the movie.
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